Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Perfecting the art of cuddling

A little quibble that my husband and I seem to have ... OK, OK, it's more an issue I constantly bring up (happy, dear?), is the fact we don't cuddle when we're asleep.

We have a king-sized bed, and every morning I find myself on the Antarctica side of the bed while he's camped out in Greenland territory. I've always thought it romantic to wake up in the arms of my husband, but alas, it just never happens.

In my search to see if cuddling is an issue in most relationships, I dug up this comical YouTube video (above) on the "art" of cuddling.

Do most of you couples out there fall asleep and then wake up with arms and legs interlocked? Or, are my husband and I not alone when it comes to waking up facing opposing bedroom walls?


Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to cuddle with my husband as we drift off to sleep but his high metabolism means that his body is so HOT that I can't cuddle with him for more than five minutes before sweating to death. So we cuddle for a few minutes every night until we get too hot and then the dog gets in between us and we all fall asleep. We cuddle again as we are waking up on the weekends but he gets up before me on the weekdays when we have to work. Guess I've got it lucky--my husband is literally too hot!

Anonymous said...

Nope, no snuggling while asleep -- too hot! But we do make sure to always give each other a kiss and a "Love Ya" before we slip off into dreamland.

Anonymous said...

Boyfriend and I cuddle for about 10 minutes at night. But he knows that I can't stand it for longer than that, so he awaits the signal (usually a shoulder jab) that tells him to let go and turn to his own side. I can see how romantic it can be to cuddle and wake up in each other's arms, but it's not real practical or comfortable. I guess we're both more into sleeping...

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's cuddle until we're almost sweating, THEN we'll let the hairy dog sleep with us. Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Dear Observer,

Please get some decent looking people to write this blog or at least remove the picture of the hideous trolls who are currently writing this blog. They creep me out.

Anonymous said...

I am more of a cuddler than my wife. When she is ready to sleep its time to separate. We also have a king bed and you could park a Prius between us. We just kiss and roll.

Now to Anonymous at 9:39am, stop being a bitter arrogant jerk!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the jerk at 9:39pm!

Anonymous said...

I have been with my husband for 15 years and have to say cuddling during "bedtime" hours went out the window after the first yr. Now I want my space. I enjoying sliding over to his side and giving him our nightly kiss and moving into my open area. I could not imagine him trying to contain me during sleep. It would be uncomfortable for the both of us. I find it restricting. Love ya honey!

Anonymous said...

As romantic and assumably loving the cuddling all night would probably be, Nahhhhhh, cuddle some, massage a little and kiss and say love ya and goodnight.

Anonymous said...

As romantic and assumably loving the cuddling all night would probably be, Nahhhhhh, cuddle some, massage a little and kiss and say love ya and goodnight.

Anonymous said...

I much prefer cuddling on the couch with hubby. I can't fall asleep if my face is smushed up against his chest, or if he's hot like a furnace with his arm over me.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I cuddle all the time but not while we sleep. I get too hot and it is uncomfortable. However, my exboyfriend and I were able to cuddle while sleeping. I am not sure what the difference is.

Anonymous said...

just want thank 9:39 i havent laughed that hard in quite some time. oh yeah 7:22 was pretty damned funny too.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one? Yes me and my boyfriend love cuddling... and at times v shift off to seprate ends of the bed... but somehow in d morning when I wake up I always find his arms arround me...

Elizabeth said...

I'm currently in a new relationship with a guy who loves to cuddle. We fall asleep wrapped together and manage to come apart while we sleep. But as soon as we wake up it's right back into his arms I go :)